How Much is Not Having Enough Money To Run Your Business Costing YOU...

Most businesses fail simply because they burn through cash, max out personal credit and wait till it's too late. When you don't lay the groundwork of building business credit & securing loans...

  • Difficulty paying bills/rent

  • Missed opportunities for growth

  • Inability to invest in marketing

  • Cash flow problems

  • Reduced employee morale

  • Can't Expand

  • Maxed Out Personal Credit

  • Financial Stress & Anxiety

  • Fear of Failure

  • Family Suffering

Building business credit and securing loans should be easy. But most people don’t know how to about it. Instead they max out their personal credit, guarantee everything and set themselves up for failure.


Get Approved

Grow Your Business

Picture this: You wake up each morning with a sense of excitement, knowing that your business is financially secure and stable. You feel a sense of empowerment, knowing that you have the FREEDOM to take bold and calculated risks without worrying about financial constraints.

Capital to Delegate

Have the capital to outsource and hire staff for 80% of things that don't affect your bottom line.

Invest in Systems

Imagine being able to afford all the proper software that can 10x your business.

Buy Back Your Time

The most precious asset we have in this world is our time. Having sufficient capital allows us to channel our time to what matters most. For some it's think tanks, others choose family time and for some it disconnecting to get a 30,000 foot view.

Here's What To Do Next...


Step 1: Book an Appointment

First step is to take action and schedule an appointment.


Step 2: Fill Out Questionnaire

Fill out a simple questionnaire to get you the best results.


Step 3: Discuss

Let's get on a call to see what options are available. (never a hard pitch sales call)

It Can Be Overwhelming To Navigate The Complex World Of Business Financing, Especially When Every Tom, Dick And Harry Is Promising The World, Yet Pointing You In Different Directions" So How Do You Know You're Making The Right Choice?

At Maxcap Direct, we understand the hardship, sacrifice and effort it takes to build a business.

We know the feeling of having to sacrifice part of the business to finance the other.

We know the FREEDOM money provides for our clients.

We see Confidence & Morale spike because of financial security.

In order to do this you need to structure your business in a way that makes lenders want to throw money at you...


✅ Your entity is structured the right way

✅ Your business has an EIN

✅ Your business is classified in an industry that's not blacklisted (you have control of this)Your business has a separate bank account

✅ Your business expenses are not mixed up with your personal expenses

✅ You understand Business Credit Bureaus and how they report

✅ Know the types of Credit Available & Tier Levels (ex. trade, installment, revolving & Level 1,2,3,4 etc. )

✅ An understanding of Non PG & PG (Non Personal Guarantee and Personal Guarantee)

✅ Understand how to leverage tax reporting to get more approvals (you can't always show losses)

✅ How personal credit works vs business credit. (did you know that business debt in most cases does not report to personal credit reports even if you personally guarantee it. Simply meaning your credit score goes up because you have less debt in your personal name)

✅ Know when and how to get inquiry strikes on your personal credit report. (ex. shotgun approach, 3 every 6, or delete afters)

✅ How to tie all the moving parts together to maximize opportunities

The problem with most lenders is that they only focus on one type of product and have no clue "how the whole puzzle comes together." They're usually glorified salesman, selling a financial product that gets them the largest amount of "points" (percentage of loan amount paid as a success fee).

This can leave you uninformed and clueless about other opportunities…

We believe that business owners should have the Financial Freedom to grow their business on their terms.

Business finance can be a complex subject. However the solutions can be straightforward and attainable. We need to look at your profile from a 30,000 foot view. And make a tailored solution that gets you FUNDED fast. From our experience taking action is the most important component and patience is a close second...

Here's what to do next.

First, book an appointment. Taking action is the first step towards achieving anything in life.

When you click the button it will populate a questionnaire about you, your business's funding goals.

After the form is filled out, you'll be asked to choose a time & date to have our FREE Consultation. Make sure to save this in your calendar. We will also send you a friendly reminder as the date nears.

Next is the Free Consultation. In this meeting we will discuss your business's financial goals along with solutions available. There is no hard selling, simply educational and helpful value... Like that you can make an informed decision.

After we speak you let us know if you want to work together or not.

If you wish to continue, GREAT... We'll send you an application and checklist of all documents necessary to get started.

If it's no go or you need some time... That's Ok too... (no hard feelings)

Next we get to work for you.

Finally we help you achieve the capital necessary to grow your business.

Click Below to Get Started!

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